Gospel News · January - April 2017

Carelinks | China
ro Donald reports as follows: “I baptized
brother Yuan in a swimming pool. He grew
up in a single parent family, his parents
divorced when he was very young so he spent
lots of time with his grandmother going to
church in his childhood. Those experience
influenced him later. He is rich in material
things as his father fought for wealth in the
city for many years and compensated him for
lack of love. But Brother Yuan was very poor
in spiritual life. During weekends he has
nothing to do but sleep, playing games and
watch TV, this is not the life he wanted. So he
searched spiritual life on the internet and got
in contact with us. Now he is studing Bible
with me online every Sunday morning, we
watch Bible related movies, answer Bible
multiple questions and reading Bible Basics
.5.2. ‘The Kingdom Is Not Now Established’ is
one of brother Yuan’s favourite chapter. He
said Jesus is not yet come to establish his
kingdom as violence grief, these bad things
still happens. There will be only happiness
when the kingdom is established, no more
death etc. Please pray for us. God bless”
Bro Donald, right, with Bro Yuan after his baptism
Carelinks | Fiji
t’s so encouraging to see two Western busi-
nessmen, brothers John and Guy, taking time
out from their work in New Zealand to get out
to Fiji and preach. Both John and Guy partic-
ipated in the Carelinks Missionary Training
Program a few years ago; great to see the
ideas put into practice. Here’s an extract from
the diary of their recent visit:
John and Guy travelled to Fiji again for ten
days earlier this month to conduct Bible
training for previous contacts and to further
the truth in Fiji. They spent time on the
streets in the town square central area of Suva
handing out hundreds of NEV Bibles and Bible
Basics and booklets on Biblical baptism. Before
handing out the literature, we asked two
provocative questions which led into many
deeper and important conversations.
| Where are you going when you die? Most
Fijians profess Christ and so the normal answer
Carelinks | Australia ... continued ~
them from Congo, and also to send funds to
other converts in Congo to build a shelter
under which they can hold their ecclesial
meetings. We are open to donations towards
this. And even with child support, it costs a lot
of money to feed and clothe so many mouths.
You can see a video of it all from the link at
the end of the article. It’s well worth the
watch just to catch the spirit of joy in Christ
which exudes from these people, Congolese
war refugees now safely in Australia after so
very many traumas. The scene on the beach
at Moreton Bay was so similar to the scenes
seen recently on the beaches of Italy when we
likewise baptized African refugees. The same
Lord is at work from Italy to Australia and His
work somehow bears a common hallmark.