Gospel News · September - December 2015

Thank you all for being out there and
playing your parts, by prayer, financial
donation, Bible mailing and ware-
housing etc., in enabling a sincere
man like this to come to the Gospel
and that blessed Hope of the
Kingdom; as standard denominations
want attendees at their church and
have no time to spare for a disabled,
legless pensioner at the end of his
You can see a brief but moving video
of our brother talking about his beliefs
before baptism; he speaks about the
death state, the Kingdom and his
earnest desire to be there.We think
you’ll find it very touching:
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Carelinks | Ukraine
e’re so thrilled to say that finally brother
Maxim has now got full documents
allowing him to remain outside of the Ukraine
and is back at the Bible Centre in Latvia.
Thank you for all your prayers.
We made a visit to Ukraine recently- the
country is becoming a basket case as the
economy is at a standstill and hostilities have
resumed in Eastern Ukraine. Cost of transport
has nearly doubled, but the tiny pensions
many of our dear ones receive remain the
same. We were pleased to baptize Aleksandr
who came to us from receiving one of the free
NEV Bibles we distribute. Our new brother
turned to God in desperation. His mother told
him that in the USSR years, when she earnt
120 Rubles / month, she had bought an illegal
Bible for 700 rubles. Our brother went to
church in his search for God... the Russian
Orthodox church demanded he buy candles for
each icon to the saints in the church, he
bought a packet and lit one for each of the
saints, and then at the end of the knave there
was the icon to Jesus and he had no candles
left for that. So he gave up on the Orthodox
church and decided to find Christ directly for
himself, without the icons, candles and
Orthodox saints. The local Protestant church
didn't want to know him unless he paid a tithe,
and so he took to the internet in his search-
he has no computer, only a very simple phone
- and thus came to us. He travelled many
hours each way for his baptism. Above you can
see our brother with his NEV commentary
Bible, and there’s a video of his baptism in
absolutely freezing water on our Russian
language channel, please see link below:
Bro Duncan with Bro Graham