Gospel News · May - August 2018

LUUYA | Bro Alfred Wanjala Wanyonyi
I am very glad that you still remember me
from that very long time ago, and seeing that
the work of God is going on well. To be quiet
since 2011 was not my will, but we had a prob-
lem with the previous address. Thank you for
SINDO | Bro John Owalo Onani
I appreciate your spiritual support, and that
of the contributions in Gospel News. This
magazine must be supported because
through the magazine we are able to feel
confidence of a brotherhood worldwide.
Today my contribution to the magazine is
about the word “Seek” (Matthew 7:7,
Matthew 6:33, Isaiah 55:6, Ezra 7:10.)
“Seek, and you will find and he that
seeks, finds.” (Matt.7:7,8)
helping me with the books – The Real Christ,
and The Real Devil. I am now in Luuya Ecclesia
with my family because Nalondo was far from
where we live, but Luuya is near – I can go on
So ...
“Seek first His Kingdom and His righteous-
ness and all these things shall be added to
you.” (Matt.6:33)
“Seek Yahweh while He may be found. Call
you on Him while He is near.” (Isa. 55:6)
“For Ezra had set his heart to seek the Law
of Yahweh and to do it, and to teach in
Israel statutes and ordinances.”
(Ezra 7:10)
May we all ‘Seek the Lord while He may be found.’
TANGAREN | Bro Daniel Simiyu and grandson Seth
I asked Brother Francis how he used his time
and he explained how he worked in an orphan-
age and spent a lot of time preaching. He
kindly sent these pictures of the orphanage.
Alas throughout the world are hundreds, if not
thousands, of children’s orphanages and many
are not even able, because of the shortages of
resources, to care for the children as these
Bro Francis Wafula