Gospel News · May - August 2018

make you lose weight and live a long healthy
life without any cholesterol problems and
leave it at that!
We ended up with about 65 in all that at-
tended, though not all in one sitting as some
who came earlier had to leave to make the
long trip back home using an unreliable trans-
portation system not to mention the bitter
cold and at least 8”-10” of snow on the
ground. One courageous and faithful elder sis-
ter who braved all these adversities to make
it to the school just collapsed with heart
problems as soon as she entered the building.
Such endeavors and situations really brings
tears to your eyes. Bro Duncan rushed to her
assistance after turning over the first class to
me and my translator.
The classes, four on “Jonah”, one on “Esau
and his choice”, “The last days” and “Sam-
son’s life” were well received. It was interest-
ing working with our two brothers who
translated because I realized throughout my
talks that some English words don’t have a
word for them in Russian and others have a
completely different meaning, so at times I
had to put my mental thesaurus to work
quickly. On Saturday night we had a program
of singing in Russian and recitals and reading
some words of inspiration which was a great
joy to see as many of these brethren live in
isolation. My daughter Davian was brave
enough to sing the “Wedding banquet” chorus
in English, to which some were humming
along too, not knowing the words.
On Sunday we had our last class and were sur-
prised with a baptism after frantically trying
to find enough warm water and tub large
enough to facilitate the baptism. I understand
it took the candidate two days to make it to
the venue hitchhiking. Please remember this
new sister in your prayers, for she is now one
of the household of faith, no longer alienated
from the commonwealth of Israel. She will
need all our prayers because she starts this
journey with many more obstacles than we
see before brethren and sisters in the West.
She does not have the support of an ecclesia
of 30-50 members like so many of us (which,
by the way, many don’t appreciate enough).
This is a country where life is very hard eco-
nomically for the average citizen, which can
put a lot of pressure on ones ability to serve
faithfully and remain obedient to your heav-
enly calling. So may The LORD bless her, and
keep her and make his face shine upon her,
and be gracious unto her, The LORD lift up his
countenance upon her, and give her peace in
his Kingdom.
Please also remember the Zbarazhsky family in
the Ukraine who are faithfully proclaiming the
gospel and showing hospitality to all they come
into contact with. I am glad I was able meet
them and spend some time together after the
days events, discussing issues concerning the
name of Jesus and the things of his Kingdom.
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Sis Iya with her young child