Gospel News · May - August 2018

Of which creatures does the Bible say?
“All Creatures
Great and Small”
Hath no understanding?
Makes the deep to boil like a pot?
Is chief of the ways of God?
Was more subtle than any beast of the field?
Prepares its meat in the summer?
Turns not away for any?
Has two daughters, crying, Give, and give?
Beares her young on her wings?
Covered the camp (in places three feet deep)?
John the Baptist wore clothes of its hair?
The Philistines made five golden images of it?
Choose from:
ant, behemoth (elephant), camel,
eagle, horseleech, leviathan (whale),
lion, mouse, mule, quail, and snake.
Psalm 32:9; Job 41:31; 40:19;
Genesis 3:1; Proverbs 30:25; 30:30;
30:15; Deuteronomy 32:11; Numbers
11:31; Mark 1:6; I Samuel 6:4.
“Our Citizenship is in Heaven”
| Bro Charles Daka (Mufulira, Zambia)
he central issue is one of loyalty. We do
not fight for the kingdoms of this world
because they are not our homeland. We are
born in various societies and countries, and
do have some of the privileges and respon-
sibilities which rest upon citizens of those
countries, but this is not our pre-eminent
citizenship. It is our citizenship of another
country – Christ’s Kingdom – which dictates
that we cannot fight in the armed forces of
the present, as well as the loyalty we have
to the commandments of Christ. “Our citi-
zenship is in heaven, from which we also
eagerly wait for the Saviour.” (Philip.
3:20). Our stand is part of the same issue
as that which dictates that we do not vote,
or take part in the politics of this world.
The question of whether we should take
part in civil defence, trade unions and jury
service also revolve around this issue of
Some Judges who presided over Second
World War tribunals understood the logic of
this position. Judge Withered was reported
to have had great respect for Christadelphi-
ans, and others who believed in the second
coming, for “none of them claimed total
right of British Citizenship.” At the same
time, he and others looked for consistency
in applying this principle in the lives of
those who came before them for judge-
ment. The need for this consistency is a
constant theme. These comments are to
remind a new generation of the stand that
has been taken by the Brotherhood over the
past 150 years, as an Ecclesia may need
reminders in the present day.