Gospel News · January - April 2018

Carelinks | United Kingdom ... continued
We’re also pleased to tell you of the baptism
of Mohammed, an Afghani who has been
already 8 years in the UK and like many, will
not be deported but is also not being given
permission to work. Such people are in a very
depressing situation, as they are trapped and
can’t move forward in life. No wonder the
Gospel of the Kingdom is so attractive to
them. Mohammed is not from the bus adverts,
but more fruit of our outreach at a migrant
centre in central London.
The bus advertising
produced not only many
replies but also a high
level of subsequent
follow up. Commuters
noticed the advert and
then spent their com-
mute reading our mate-
rial on their phones. We
have personally met up
for coffee with around
10 people who saw the
advert and started chat-
ting with us online. It
seems that commuters
on public transport are a
good target audience as
they have a period of
time each day to read or
view on their phones. A few have already gone
right through Bible Basics after first engaging
with us from the bus advertisements.
Mo, pictured above and below, is a high school
teacher in Croydon who first saw our adverts
soon after they began. After graduating from
Oxford University, unlike many young profes-
sionals, Mo began to search for the meaning of
life rather than totally focusing on his career.
He read the New Testament, again and again,
Bro Mo following his baptism