Gospel News · January - April 2018

Carelinks | Latvia
he daily feeding scheme is now in full
swing, with very good attendances of
between 50 and 90 every day. We begin each
session with an hour where the hall is open for
coffee and where the visitors can chat and
some read Bible Basics, copies of which are
freely available; and then a one hour Bible
study, followed by the meal. We’re also dis-
tributing clothing and firewood and assisting
with heating bills.
We had Bro Norman Stock and Sis Jackie Sprigg
with us, and also Bro Maxim from Ukraine
whose help has been invalu-
able. We have the schedule
more or less covered until the
period Feb 10 – March 10 2018
God willing, and we’d appreci-
ate anyone moved to come
over and help then. The work
isn’t heavy but there’s plenty
of it. We invested 135€ in a
wall mounted dicer which is a
great help - there’s been so
much cutting and chopping of
vegetables that it’s by God’s
grace that we all still have our
fingers intact.
Nothing much has changed for
the large Russian ‘minority’.
Even if they worked all their
lives, they receive no pension
if they worked in Soviet times,
and the Soviet idea that the state would pro-
vide for you has ended now that ‘the party’s
over’. So elderly Russian folks with no family
to care for them are left living in the dreaded
night shelters, where they can stay only about
300 days / year. They must be out by 8 a.m.
and only allowed in around 7 or 8 p.m., and
have to carry their few belongings with them.
It’s a sad way to have to end your life, espe-
cially if like some of them, you have decades
of work behind you in your earlier life. But to
the poor the Gospel is preached.
Bro Maxim busy chopping onions
with the new chopper
~ continued ...