Gospel News · May - August 2017

Brother Donald came over from China; we so
often report his work in baptizing people, all
the more impressive as he works in a profes-
sional capacity in the materialistic Chinese
society, with little free time.
Brother Joseph came
from Italy to tell us of
all the baptisms and the
outreach going on there
to the many newly
arrived migrants who
turn up on the beaches
every night; his testi-
mony to his own conversion from nominal to
passionate faith, in which our baptism of him
played a part, is very encouraging.
We wrapped up by framing in Biblical terms
what all these various testimonies were saying
loud and clear- that whilst we don’t possess
the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, the Lord
through His Spirit is extremely active in human
lives and hearts today. The links to some the
testimonies are listed below.
In the afternoon session, we packed Bibles and
wrote personal notes to the 700 or so replies
we received this last week from our “Get a
free Bible” ad in the Daily Mail. This is all
evidence enough that there is widespread
interest in our message in white working class
Britain [i.e. the Daily Mail readership]. Roger
and David then helpfully guided us in their
experience of using the internet and social
media to engage folks with the Gospel.
There was a wonderful spirit of connection
and fellowship. Brother Darek, who speaks
only Polish and Italian as he lives in Italy, came
over and was delighted to talk to brother
Joseph in Italian. Sister Sami also gave a pres-
entation about her conversion to Jesus and
there were two other Iranian converts
present. It was great to all work together to
pack Bibles. Others also attended who aren’t
yet baptized but we hope soon will be.
We’d like to remind you of the major appeal
made to reprint the Bibles; and then there is
cost of postage. Please do respond as you can.