Gospel News · May - August 2017

Carelinks | Latvia
he Winter feeding season has come to an
end, but brother Maxim remains in Riga,
running the meetings and feeding scheme on
Sundays and Mondays. There are cold snaps
which have been indeed very cold in Eastern
Europe. Moscow has had its lowest tempera-
tures for 120 years, with temperatures down
to -40C, which is -40F. You literally can’t
survive in those temperatures. Our refugee
brethren in Italy and elsewhere are also
affected, if they are not in state provided
accommodation; and some in Italy are trying
to work their way further north, their welfare
provision by the Italian Government having
now expired. Do pray for them all. The work
at the Riga Bible Center is really so necessary-
providing a warm hall, coffee, food, as well as
Bible teaching. People were even arriving an
hour ahead of opening time in the hope of
being allowed in to escape the cold. We need
to pay the heating and the annual property tax
on the hall, which alone comes to about
2000€. We would appreciate your support
Jesse Andrews from Canada, Cardia Cwiecek
from the UK and Jim and Anne Barton from
Canada along with many others have been a
truly great team in the kitchen at the Bible
Center. We held a New Year’s day special gath-
ering, where Cindy, Jesse and Evia distributed
the “winter warmer packs” to everyone; we
also iced gingerbread cookies with the names
of people and Cindy encouraged them to ice
New Year Celebrations at Riga | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj21s8Krx1A
Hand decorated cookie very gratefully received!