Gospel News · January - April 2016

Carelinks | Ukraine
Sister Tatyana’s son was baptized earlier this
year; he returned home from Kiev to their
small town and began giving thanks for
meals in front of his mother, and praying
morning and evening. The big changes in his
life and his confident affirmation that he
was now expecting the Kingdom of God was
what attracted his mother to the Gospel, and
she has been reading the? NEV Bible with
commentary? together with him. Again we see
that the power of personal, spiritual example
is far greater than mere theological firepower.
Telling a secular woman in her 60s that God is
one not three is all very well, but what is going
to grab her attention and be compelling is a
radical change in her son, listening to his
prayers and confident hope of eternal life...
Above is our sister being baptized by brothers
Duncan, Roy and Steve.
Don’t give up hope
| Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)
student found a subject particularly
difficult and thought he had no chance of
passing the end-of-year examination. He
considered it wiser not to waste time on that
subject but to put everything into the others.
When he walked into the examination room
he was handed a very easy paper that he could
have passed easily if he had kept on working
steadily. He had given up hope too soon.
Paul pleaded with the Christians at Colossae
not to give up the hope that they received
when they first believe in Jesus. It was the
hope that they would become an integral
part of the family of God and that they would
become one with Christ in resurrection after
death. This hope made sense of life for them.
It empowered them to live strong and coura-
geous lives. It enabled them to endure
hostility and persecution. It puts a song on
their lips and a confidence in their step. It
furthermore welded them into the interna-
tional community of Christian believers
known as the church. It gave them a dignity
they never had before, and brought a love
into their hearts. You too must never give up
the hope that God has given you. However
difficult life may become, however dark the
political scene, however insecure the eco-
nomic situation, however lonely, rejected,
dispirited and miserable you may at times
feel, you still have God in whom to put your
hope. Whatever else you do, never stop
hoping (Colossians 1:23).