Gospel News · January - April 2016

Jesus was present, and we were all
humbled before His presence. It was a
pleasure to baptize them.
So please do pray for our new brother
and sister, they get reception and
therefore internet on their phone when
they walk about 5 km from their home,
so we can continue in contact that way.
Again we marvel at how the Lord works
to call sincere people unto Himself, and
how really there is a power of new
creation which makes all things old,
even childhoods of abuse by others
followed by self-abuse. Real transfor-
mation of human personality is indeed achiev-
able by the power of God’s Spirit. Their joy is
so great, and really the subtitle of Bible
Basics seems so true for them: “Revealing the
joy and peace of true Christianity”.
Lord gave us a perfect day, and the confession
of faith from this couple was very deeply from
the heart. As we prayed, it was clear the Lord
Olga, Anatoly with Nikolai outside their home
Carelinks | Ukraine
he? Summer Bible School? in Ukraine was
a great success, although those
from? Russia? were unable or fearful to
enter Ukraine for it, and only one sister
made it across the ‘front line’ from the
rebel controlled area to Kiev, where we
held the School. Including day visitors,
over 65 gathered together; we are
grateful to brothers Roy Dean and Steve
Gretton from the UK who came over to
give talks. The journeys made represent a
huge sacrifice- typically walking from
home to a bus station, then getting a
rickety bus or minibus over seriously
bumpy roads, walking from a bus station
to a railway station, then the long journey to
Kiev, and from thence another 90 minutes on
trams and bus to the? Bible School? venue. Most
of our folk are in advancing years and yet
calmly talk of sitting on a wall or bench while
they get over angina attacks, blood pressure
surges etc.
This all gives some intensity to the sense of
fellowship and joy at meeting. This is
reflected in impromptu singing, constant
conversation between the brethren and
sisters, and a sincere desire to listen and learn
further from the talks. Here you can see a
group of such sisters engaging in brother
Steve’s project of dramatized reading of
sections from John’s Gospel. And yet it’s all
enabled by your generosity- for very few could
afford the journey to Kiev let alone the cost
of accommodation at the modest venue we
use. Inflation has gone wild in Ukraine, the
currency is worthless, pensions have barely
increased, prices have gone up multiple times
and the infrastructure is now seriously broken
down. So we do ask for your continued support
to enable these gatherings to happen. And of
course these gatherings are a great place to
invite those interested in baptism, so that
Carelinks | Russia