Gospel News â May-Aug 2013
Sis. Rosie Wright, (Jamaica, W.I.)
A true Christian is one that shows obedience of faith and walks worthy of God. You first have to understand the things of the Kingdom of God and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, you must believe what you understand and walk in Truth, as to whom many as believe, to them he gave power or privilege to become sons of God.
Do we realise our calling? A people set apart, separated unto God `a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people,' that we should show forth the praise of God in the earth today. What an honour, what a responsibility and a privilege! Do men see our good works? Does God see our good works? Are we walking worthy of our Christian calling? Are we holding forth the word of truth in all greatness and purity? Are we saying we are not perfect? Are we saying God understands? This is a question we all have to answer on the day of judgement. (Matt.5:48)
1. Are we striving for God to be glorified in all things? Are we stagnant in our worship?
2. We must be pleasing to God. (Col.1:10)
3. We must love and respect others. (1Thess.4:11-12)
4. We must walk by the Spirit. (Gal.5:25)
5. We must walk in newness of life. (2 Cor.5:17)
6. We must walk worthy of our calling. (Gal.6.10)
7. God gave specific commandments including:
â Controlling of the body. There are some general principles and commandments that we must follow to be qualified: 1Cor.9:27; 1Cor.6:9-20.
â Our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees: Matt.5:20
â Our hands must be clean and our hearts pure to stand in His holy place. Psalm 24:3-4
â We must subdue anger: Eph.4:26, James 1:19. Have no fellowship with sinners: Ps.1:6-7.
â Live peaceably with all men: 2Thess.3 and Heb.12:14.
The guiding principle is the matter indicated by Paul in Col.3:2 and 1Cor.2:14: the natural mind is contrary to this thought or command. A Christian must practise righteousness - if he does not do so, he is not a Christian and will not enter the Kingdom of God. (1 John 2:29) A servant of God, because of his progressive victory over the sins of the flesh, will enjoy perfect rest in his heart and mind. A servant of God must appreciate the power of the spirit and Word of God in his life and will become stronger and stronger. A true servant can endure trials, discomfort, good report and bad report: having been faithful to God by obeying His commandment as given to him by God's son Jesus Christ, the believer will receive eternal life. (John 3:36; 4:14; Rev.20:12-13)
Children of God, what a privilege to be called out from the world to follow Christ! We should think about it every moment of our lives. How honoured we are to be chosen by Him. This is the greatest honour on earth. We should glorify Him every moment of our lives, whether we are glowing with energy and good health, or suffering with illness; whether we have all the comforts in the world or have as little as a widow's mite; or are young or old. Let us rejoice in our calling and strive to radiate the spirit of Jesus, soon to become King. Let us bow ourselves prostrate and kneel in front of Yahweh our Maker, for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock that He guides if only we would listen today. Let us rejoice in our calling to be disciples of God and strive to radiate the spirit of the Father's purpose in us, that we may continue to work in whatever way we can in our preparation for the coming of Jesus our Master and our soon coming King.
In closing I leave these words with you. "All ye that worship the Lord, bless His Name, the God of all Gods, praise Him and give Him thanks, for His mercy endureth forever" (Psalm 136).