Gospel News · January - April 2013

Gospel News — Jan-Apr 2013
meal each day. Religious teaching and focus is paramount in its objectives and this is ably piloted by veteran Sis Maudlyn December, through drama and other avenues. Surely, this enterprise is worthy of our generous support!
Sisters Maudlyn (L) & Lorna Murray at the Ruimveldt Children's Aid Centre
BILL BOARD of special events - 2013
Some main events on the horizon are:
Bible School
It is New Amsterdam's turn to host our Bible School 2013 booked for the Easter week-end: Fri 29-Mar to Mon 1-Apr
Our main speaker will be Bro Ted Sleeper of California, USA.
Bro Ted and Sis/wife Dolores are both well known to Guyana, having labored here tirelessly for a number of years during the 1970s and continue to so do as our CBMC link in this portion of our Lord's vineyard. We do look forward with eagerness to their upcoming ministrations.
Youth Camp
The Guyana Youth Camp is set to be held at our camp site at Plegt Anker, Berbice River, from 10-17 August 2013.
Youth Circles and all young people are hereby encouraged to plan well ahead for this grand event. It is not too early to start preparing for
those Bible skits, debates etc. so that you can "hit the ground running"!
Plegt Anker Camp Building – front view; Presently under renovation
Plegt Anker Camp Building – side view; Presently under renovation
Fraternal Gathering – G/town
The Georgetown Ecclesia will be hosting their Annual Fraternal Gathering over the CARICOM week-end: 30 June – Mon 2 July.
Truth Corps
Those who attended the Tobago Bible School 2012 would have enjoyed the privilege of meeting the several young and energetic members of the Truth Corps – so ably guided by Sis Myra Lucke and Bro Brad Butts.
This is a group of eager adventurers, excited over the Word of God, who willingly surrender a portion of their personal routine to share their