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The miserable situation continues for the average Ukrainian. The economy continues in free fall and there seems no hope of any easy end to the war in the east nor the loss of Crimea to Russia. We snapped a video of an old man and woman rummaging for food from rubbish bins, the woman had a knife with which she peeled off rotten parts of vegetables and put what was edible in a plastic bag. It’s at:

One of the many refugees created by the conflict was Andrej, who fled to Russia and lived there for a bit. He found the true Gospel online and was baptized in Russia as previously reported. He has now returned to Ukraine, has got a job and is trying to rebuild his life from nothing. Our brother is a great reader and Bible student. His wife left him and he raised their son, Bogdan. But this young man followed his father’s passion for the Bible, reading with him the daily Bible Companion readings and a more suitable candidate for baptism it would be hard to imagine. In an age where youth spend their time glued to screens, this young man isn’t even interested in Facebook, and has devoted himself to the Lord. We spoke at length of how youth needs radicalism, a challenge to touch the sky, and how devotion to the Lord’s cause is the intended channel for that. We reflected how Amos records that God raised up young men as prophets and Nazarites, and how many references there are to young men devoted to the Lord. So it was with joy that we baptized him and afterwards strolled around the historic city of Lvov talking of how to channel his enthusiasm for the Lord.

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